by Christoph Hormann
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Longitude: -180° to 180°, Latitude: -90° to 90°
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Nettilling Lake in early October 2022

Nettilling Lake in early October 2022

Landsat image of Nettilling Lake in early October 2022 with fresh snow.

view data
Location: 71.6° W, 66.6° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 11166×5956 pixel

Ellsworth Mountains in late September 2022

Ellsworth Mountains in late September 2022

Landsat image of the Ellsworth Mountains in late September 2022.

view data
Location: 85.74° W, 78.41° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 8746×4687 pixel

Fort Providence and Mackenzie River in Autumn 2022

Fort Providence and Mackenzie River in Autumn 2022

Sentinel-2 image of the Mackenzie River near Fort Providence, Northwest Territories, Canada in autumn 2022 with fall colors.

view data
Location: 117.55° W, 61.29° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 12778×7563 pixel

Shiveluch, Kamchatka in Autumn 2022

Shiveluch, Kamchatka in Autumn 2022

Sentinel-2 image of the Shiveluch volcano in Kamchatka, Russia in autumn 2022.

view data
Location: 161.37° E, 56.66° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 7443×4406 pixel

Antarctic sunrise 2021

Antarctic sunrise 2021

Landsat image of McMurdo sound and dry valleys in the Antarctic from early September 2021 with very low sun position to the northeast marking the beginning of the 2021/2022 observation season.

view data
Location: 162° E, 77.7° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 25753×17362 pixel

Mount Katmai and Naknek Lake

Mount Katmai and Naknek Lake

Landsat image of Mount Katmai and Naknek Lake on the Alaska Peninsula in autumn 2021 with some fresh snow at higher elevations.

view data
Location: 155.33° W, 58.437° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10886×6120 pixel

Northern Greenland in Autumn 2021

Northern Greenland in Autumn 2021

Landsat image of Wulff Land and Warming Land in Northern Greenland with low sun from the southwest.

view data
Location: 49.988° W, 81.656° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 12060×6988 pixel

South Georgia in early Spring 2021

South Georgia in early Spring 2021

Sentinel-2 image of South Georgia at the beginning of the 2021-2022 summer season with cloud cover only in the northwest.

view data
Location: 36.72° W, 54.29° S
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 18200×12300 pixel

Mount Aniakchak in Autumn 2021

Mount Aniakchak in Autumn 2021

Sentinel-2 image of Mount Aniakchak and Mount Chiginagak on the Alaska Peninsula in autumn 2021 with some fresh snow at higher elevations.

view data
Location: 157.9° W, 57° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 13600×7900 pixel

South Sandwich Islands in Winter 2020

South Sandwich Islands in Winter 2020

Almost cloud free Sentinel-2 mosaic of the South Sandwich Islands in Winter 2020 showing sea ice reaching very far northward beyond Zavodovski Island

view data
Location: 27° W, 58° S
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 20000×40000 pixel

Severnaya Zemlya in August 2020

Severnaya Zemlya in August 2020

Cloud free Sentinel-2 mosaic of Severnaya Zemlya in August 2020 featuring an almost ice free Laptev Sea while there is some drift ice remaining on the eastern Kara Sea.

view data
Location: 97° E, 79.6° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 40000×40000 pixel

Summer evening view of northern Iceland

Summer evening view of northern Iceland

Landsat 8 evening image of northern Iceland with Tröllaskagi and the town of Akureyri.

view data
Location: 18.5° W, 65.5° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10414×7458 pixel

Spring in northern Russia

Spring in northern Russia

Sentinel-2 mosaic of the thawing Tundra in June 2018 in northeastern Russia (Sakha Republic) at the Arctic Ocean coast.

view data
Location: 151.5° E, 71° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 60000×40000 pixel

Falkland islands in Winter

Falkland islands in Winter

Sentinel-2 mosaic of the Falkland islands in early Winter 2018 with low sun position but without snow.

view data
Location: 59.5° W, 52° S
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 28000×19000 pixel

Arkhangelsk in Winter

Arkhangelsk in Winter

Sentinel-2 image of Arkhangelsk and the mouth of the Northern Dvina River flowing into the White Sea in Winter (early 2018)

view data
Location: 40° E, 64° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10000×13000 pixel

Crete in Winter

Crete in Winter

Landsat mosaic of the island of Crete in winter with snow in the mountains. Assembled from Landsat imagery from 2016-2018.

view data
Location: 25° E, 35° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 18000×7000 pixel

Autumn 2017 in Svalbard

Autumn 2017 in Svalbard

Landsat 8 image of western Svalbard around Isfjorden in early October 2017

view data
Location: 15° E, 78.3° N
Altitude: 705 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 7923×9920 pixel

Autumn 2017 in Alaska/Yukon

Autumn 2017 in Alaska/Yukon

Sentinel-2 image of the Yukon River at the border of Alaska and Yukon(Canada), in Autumn 2017.

view data
Location: 141° W, 64.5° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 21500×15000 pixel

Northeast Greenland Evening 2017

Northeast Greenland Evening 2017

Landsat mosaic of Northeastern Greenland based on evening images from July/August 2017.

view data
Location: 24° W, 75° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 40000×98000 pixel

West Greenland Evening 2017

West Greenland Evening 2017

Landsat mosaic of Western Greenland near Ilulissat with Jakobshavn Glacier and Disko Bay based on evening images.

view data
Location: 51° W, 69° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 22000×22000 pixel

South Georgia in Winter 2017

South Georgia in Winter 2017

Landsat mosaic of South Georgia in Winter 2017 with exceptionally good weather and nearly no clouds over the island.

view data
Location: 37° W, 54° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 12000×9500 pixel

Alaska Peninsula in Winter

Alaska Peninsula in Winter

Landsat mosaic of the Alaska Peninsula from Mount Aniakchak to Unimak Island in early January 2017 with low sun position and snow covered mountains.

view data
Location: 162° W, 55.3° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 32000×24000 pixel

Autumn colors in Patagonia

Autumn colors in Patagonia

Sentinel-2 image of the Andes Mountains in Patagonia and the Northern Patagonian Ice Field in Autumn with deciduous Nothofagus forests in strong red colors.

view data
Location: 73° W, 46° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 21500×33500 pixel

Spring in San Fancisco

Spring in San Fancisco

The San Fancisco Bay area in April 2016. Image is based on Copernicus Sentinel data from 2016, attribution required.

view data
Location: 122.4° W, 37.75° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 14000×13000 pixel

Severnaya Zemlya in early Spring 2016

Severnaya Zemlya in early Spring 2016

Landsat mosaic of Severnaya Zemlya from late March/early April 2016 with the islands nearly fully snow covered, land fast sea ice between and around the islands and pack ice around on the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea.

view data
Location: 97° E, 79.6° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 24000×28000 pixel

Lakes of Ounianga

Lakes of Ounianga

The Lakes of Ounianga are a number of groundwater fed lakes in the eastern Sahara desert in northeastern Chad that form a remarkable landscape feature in the otherwise dry desert. Image is based on Copernicus Sentinel data from 2016, attribution required.

view data
Location: 20.7° E, 19° N
Altitude: 786 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 10680×7256 pixel

Franz Josef Land in Summer 2015

Franz Josef Land in Summer 2015

Landsat mosaic of Franz Josef Land vom Ende Juli 2015, some weeks before the snow minimum with remains of drift ice between the islands in the otherwise largely ice free polar ocean.

view data
Location: 56° E, 80.7° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 25000×16333 pixel

Franz Josef Land in early Spring 2015

Franz Josef Land in early Spring 2015

Landsat mosaic of Franz Josef Land from late March/early April 2015 with the islands nearly fully snow covered, land fast sea ice between the islands and pack ice around on the ocean.

view data
Location: 56° E, 80.7° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 25000×16333 pixel

Northeast Greenland in August

Northeast Greenland in August

Landsat mosaic of the coast of Northeast Greenland in August 2014 showing the eastern edge of the Greenland Ice sheet with the Nioghalvfjerdsbrae and the Zachariae Isstrom, Kronprins Christian Land and the Independence Fjord as well as the coastal and sea ice situation at the height of summer.

view data
Location: 21° W, 79° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 32600×42800 pixel

The South Sandwich Islands in late Winter

The South Sandwich Islands in late Winter

Landsat mosaic of the South Sandwich Islands in late winter 2014 including Southern Thule, Bristol, Montagu, Saunders and Candlemas Islands as well as Visokoi Island, the latter mostly covered by clouds. The ocean shows extensive sea ice coverage as well as various icebergs well visible in the low sun.

view data
Location: 27° W, 58° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 13000×22600 pixel

The Southern Andes in Winter

The Southern Andes in Winter

Landsat mosaic of the Southern Andes mountains in Winter 2014 at the border between Chile and Argentina with Santiago de Chile and the Aconcagua near the Center.

view data
Location: 70° W, 34° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 21000×38667 pixel

The Nares Strait in Autumn

The Nares Strait in Autumn

Landsat mosaic of the Nares Strait between Greenland and Ellesmere Island in Autumn, divided into Baffin Bay, Smith Sound, Kane Basin, Kennedy Channel, Hall Basin and Robeson Channel

view data
Location: 67° W, 80.5° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 48000×48000 pixel

The western Caucasus

The western Caucasus

Landsat mosaic showing the western part of the Caucasus mountains at the coast of the Black Sea in Russia and Georgia. Assembled from images from January/February 2014.

view data
Location: 42° E, 43° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 21000×13200 pixel

Kamchatka in Winter

Kamchatka in Winter

Landsat mosaic showing the Kamchatka peninsula in eastern Russia in Winter. Assembled from images from January/February 2014

view data
Location: 160° E, 56° N
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 34480×40000 pixel

McMurdo Sound

McMurdo Sound

Landsat mosaic showing McMurdo Sound in Antarctica with Ross Island, the Ross ice shelf and the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Assembled from ascending orbit (nighttime) Landsat images from November 2013

view data
Location: 166° E, 78° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 16000×17333 pixel

The Ellsworth Mountains

The Ellsworth Mountains

Landsat mosaic showing the Ellsworth Mountains in Antarctica including the Vinson Massif which is the highest point of the Continent. Assembled from images from early spring (October/November 2013)

view data
Location: 85° W, 79° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 25000×10000 pixel

The Transantarctic Mountains

The Transantarctic Mountains

Landsat mosaic showing the Transantarctic Mountains between the Nimrod Glacier in the south (top) and McMurdo Sound in the north (bottom). Includes Byrd Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys and Ross Island. Assembled from images from early spring (October/November 2013)

view data
Location: 160° E, 80° S
Altitude: 700 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle:
Available size: up to 25200×45000 pixel

Fisheye view of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Fisheye view of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Fisheye view of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia.

view data
Location: 73.65° W, 10.85° N
Altitude: 29 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle: 280°
Available size: up to 3600×3600 pixel

Fisheye view of the Grand Canyon

Fisheye view of the Grand Canyon

Fisheye view from above the eastern end of the Grand Canyon in the western United States.

view data
Location: 111.8° W, 36.5° N
Altitude: 29 km
View Direction:
Camera Angle: 185°
Available size: up to 5120×5120 pixel

Todays featured image:

The Bering Strait
The Bering Strait
View of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia from the southeast with Alaska in the foreground, the Aleutian Islands and Kamchatka on the left... [more]
Design and Content Copyright 2024 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Sat, 30 Mar 2024 23:52